Upgrading RyzenAI-SW


Upgrading RyzenAI-SW#

The Riallto Windows installer sets up RyzenAI-SW 1.0 packages for the section 5 notebooks. In order to upgrade to RyzenAI-SW v1.1 in the Riallto Python virtual environment you can run the utility script upgrade_ryzenaisw.ps1.

Upgrade steps#

  1. Download the latest RyzenAI-SW package from https://ryzenai.docs.amd.com.

  2. Open a powershell terminal and and execute the upgrade_ryzenaisw.ps1 script from the Riallto repo directory with the downloaded zipfile as an argument: ./scripts/util/upgrade_ryzenaisw.ps1 C:/where/you/downloaded/ryzen-ai-sw-1.1.zip

The script will: 1. Purge the previously installed onnxruntime, voe and vai_q_onnx python packages. 2. Install the wheels from ryzen-ai-sw-1.1.zip. 3. Replace the previous 1x4.xclbin and vaip.config files in the riallto_notebooks directory with the latest ones from the package you downloaded.

Refer to the Ryzen AI docs for more detailed information on RyzenAI-SW and features.